Sedation Dentistry

Dental Sedation in Stockton, CA

We are going to offer:

  • Inhalation Sedation, Oral Sedation, and IV Sedation
  • (Laughing Gas) (Pill Form) (IV Administered)

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry uses medications to help patients relax and reduce anxiety during dental procedures. 

It’s also been referred to as "sleep dentistry." However, most patients going through sleep dentistry are not asleep. Patients are usually awake, with the exception of those who are under general anesthesia.

Minimal/Oral/Inhalation Sedation: Patients are awake but relaxed yet retain their ability to respond normally to stimuli and verbal commands.

This can be achieved by inhaling nitrogen oxide or taking oral pills. Dentists use Nitrous oxide to reduce anxiety, and it is widely used in pediatric patients as it tends to wear off quickly. If Nitrous oxide is used by adult patients, they can drive home safely.

Sometimes dentists will prescribe oral medication at a very low dose that reduces anxiety and makes people drowsy. Depending on the dose given, oral medication sedation can produce minimal to moderate sedation. This requires patients to accompany the driver, as they cannot drive home. Also, suggest not driving for 8–24 hours, depending on the drugs or dosage.

Moderate/IV Sedation (formerly called "conscious sedation"): You may slur your words when speaking and not remember much of the procedure. You may feel groggy or in a dreamlike state, but you are still awake. People do respond to verbal commands and may require tactile stimulation from the dentist.

  • This can be produced by oral medications or IV medications. Oral medication can produce different phases of sedation in different people with the same dosage.
  • IV sedation has an advantage over oral medication in that it generates moderate sedation, as the dosage can be adjusted according to each individual's needs and the level of sedation desired.
  • IV sedation can induce anywhere from moderate sedation to general anesthesia, depending on the dosage and types of medications used.

Deep Sedation: You are on the edge of consciousness but can still be awakened.

General Anesthesia: You are completely unconscious.

Who needs sedation dentistry?

  • Have a low pain threshold, sensitive teeth, or anxiety about dental treatment
  • Can't sit still in the dentist's chair
  • Have a bad gag reflex
  • Need a large amount of dental work completed
  • Special needs, such as behavioral, physical, or cognitive impairments, that prevent them from completing dental work

How Safe Is Sedation Dentistry?

  • Before the procedure, your dentist will go over your medical history thoroughly and the types of medications/supplements you are taking. The dentist will determine whether you are an appropriate candidate for sedation.
  • Minimal risks are associated with sedation dentistry, besides drowsiness, dry mouth, headache, and memory loss about your dental procedure. However, you will likely not remember the treatment you underwent after receiving dental sedation.
  • Sedation dentistry is a tried-and-tested practice and is safe when administered by a trained dental professional. Dentists observe strict medical guidelines for the correct amounts of sedatives and techniques used to ensure the safety of the patient at all times. However, some factors, such as an unhealthy lifestyle (smoking and drinking alcohol), certain medications, and health conditions (sleep apnea), may prevent the dentist from administering sedatives to the patient.
  • The dentist may need to thoroughly assess the health history of the patient before they can proceed with sedation. Also, the dentist will need to constantly monitor the patient’s vital signs throughout the procedure and have oxygen and drugs ready at hand to reverse the effects of sedation.

Dr. Parikh and Dr. Arora currently offer inhalation sedation, commonly known as nitrous oxide or “laughing gas,” for both children and adults who experience dental phobia or anxiety. Please note, that our sedation does NOT put patients to sleep.

The nitrous oxide delivery system provides a precise mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen gases. The gas is inhaled through a facemask and begins to work immediately, while the patient stays awake. The level of sedation is monitored throughout the procedure to make sure you stay relaxed and free from pain.

The best part of receiving nitrous oxide sedation is the quick recovery time. When your treatment is complete, you will only need to sit and breathe solely oxygen for five minutes to regain normal consciousness.

Here at Nu Smile Dental in Stockton, CA, we believe that your dental experience should be as relaxing and stress-free as possible. If you have mild to moderate levels of anxiety, wish to remain awake and relaxed throughout your visit, and prefer a rapid recovery period, nitrous oxide could be the ideal sedation choice for you.

Don't let anxiety keep you from getting the dental care and procedures you need! Take advantage of sedation dentistry at Nu Smile Dental and be calm and relaxed during treatment. Call our Stockton, CA dental office at (209) 955-1800 to learn more or schedule your next appointment!

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9:30 am-6:30 pm


9:30 am-6:30 pm


9:30 am-5:00 pm


9:30 am-6:30 pm


9:30 am-6:30 pm



