Repair Your Smile With Dental Implants

Tooth loss often affects more than just the appearance of your smile. It also limits function and puts strain on the remaining teeth as they compensate for missing ones. If your smile has been affected by tooth loss, you can repair it with dental implants. They replace missing teeth and their roots. In Stockton, CA, dental implants are available at Nu Smile Dental, where Dr. Rujul Parikh can restore function and beauty to your smile.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are tiny metal posts that resemble screws. They are placed in the jawbone to function as roots for tooth restorations, such as crowns, bridgework, or implant-supported dentures. The purpose of dental implants is to securely anchor these restorations in place.

Dental implants are the most long-lasting tooth replacement option available today. One reason they are so durable and secure is that they are inserted into the jawbone. The metal implants are made from titanium, a biocompatible material that naturally fuses with bone tissue over time. Since dental implants become permanently fused in place, there is no worry about them shifting or falling out.

Candidates for Dental Implants

Not every patient affected by tooth loss will be a candidate for repairing their smile with dental implants. An unfortunate side effect of tooth loss is jawbone loss. Bone tissue that isn’t supporting teeth and their roots is naturally reabsorbed by the body.

To be a suitable candidate for dental implants, patients must have a sufficient amount of bone in the jaw. They should also have healthy gums and a healthy immune system. The experienced dentist at our dental practice in Stockton, CA, can ascertain whether dental implants are an option for repairing your smile.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Repairing your smile with dental implants has many benefits. For example, they give you back a full smile with no more gaps, which can boost confidence. Dental implants also reduce the side effects of tooth loss. Benefits include:

  • Replacing missing or extracted teeth
  • Restoring biting and chewing functions
  • Reducing strain on remaining natural teeth
  • Preventing teeth from shifting by eliminating gaps
  • Preserving bone tissue in the jaw by stopping the body from reabsorbing it
  • Reducing sagging of the face by providing support for facial muscles
  • Correcting speech affected by tooth loss

Restore beauty and function to your smile by repairing it with dental implants. For dental implants in Stockton, CA, schedule a consultation with Dr. Parikh by calling Nu Smile Dental at (209) 955-1800.

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