Straighten Your Smile Discreetly With Invisalign

Would you like to learn more about Invisalign from your dentist?

Everybody wants a straight and beautiful smile. Invisalign clear aligners are most suitable for young adults and older teenagers who want to straighten their teeth easily. Nu Smile Dental of Stockton, CA, offers patients this treatment option.

Invisalign consists of custom-made clear aligners made to fit over your upper and lower teeth. The aligners are work just like traditional braces. When worn, they apply pressure on each tooth so that the tooth moves into its proper position. Your Stockton dentist creates your custom aligners using a specialized computer software called CAD/CAM.

The clear plastic aligners are flexible and straighten your teeth in about nine months, but that depends on each case. The aligners are swapped out every two weeks in a sequence that will ensure teeth continue moving to their proper position. Invisalign is also a great option for those who need orthodontic care but don't want others to know. To get the most out of this treatment option, you need wear your braces for a minimum of 20 hours a day. You can take them off if you want to eat, brush your teeth or floss. Some people like to take their clear aligners off for special events, but that's unnecessary if they're transparent.

Invisalign has many advantages, other than their transparency. It's easy to remove aligners when you need to brush and floss teeth, which makes them a hygienic choice. There aren't any dietary restrictions and aligners are comfortable. The plastic is flexible, which doesn't irritate soft oral tissue. The trays are also used as retainers to protect teeth from a teeth-grinding problem.

If you would like to schedule an appointment with your Stockton, CA, dentist, or ask about Invisalign, then call NuSmile Dental (209) 955-1800 today!

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